Risk Management
In an ever-changing professional liability environment, it is important to have a trusted team of professionals with a proven track record on your side. Managing risk effectively is critical to a successful business, and business leaders appreciate knowing their insurance agent is looking out for them.
Our Northern Safety Solutions professionals have the resources to better protect you and your business. We are well-positioned to offer access to a wide range of insurance products and services, as well as an experienced team of in-house risk management and loss control experts. Northern Safety Solutions’ Loss Control team helps clients minimize loss, protect their assets and make them better companies. Through targeted programs, Northern Safety Solutions offers a broad range of services and practical advice to support your company’s risk management needs, resulting in well-managed loss control programs. We work closely with our clients to review exposures and loss histories, identify important claims trends and risk areas, and develop the appropriate resources and tools to reduce the potential for loss. Our comprehensive Risk Management platform, Mywave helps reduce risk, save time and promote employee safety by creating effective risk mitigation programs. Our Business Insurance Specialists meet each new challenge with expertise and industry intelligence. We examine issues from all angles and creatively address risk management issues, delivering clients access to the latest risk management tools in the industry. We are real people who know you, navigate, and advocate on your behalf.
Safety Services
We work with multiple risk management experts throughout New England to provide customized consultation for all industries. Our risk management consultants strategically plan and implement loss prevention solutions, tailored to each client’s needs and goals. Services include risk evaluations, training, and practical advice in key areas, such as:
- Employee and Supervisory Training
- Product Liability
- Vehicle Fleet Safety Management
- Safety Bulletins
- Quality Assessment Programs
- Training Resources
- Property Conservation
- Consultation Services
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Compliance
- Risk Audits
- Employee Workshops/Seminars
The Team
Shelie Richardson
Loss Control Consultant, Tech Resources/Health and Wellness
View Bio | Email MeJosh Tefft
Loss Control Consultant
p: 802-295-3329
View Bio | Email MeTamara McLaughlin
Loss Control Consultant First Aid & CPR/AED Trainer, VT SafetyNet
View Bio | Email MeDaniel S. Cote
Loss Control Consultant, Cote Risk Management
View Bio | Email Me