White Papers for Business

 Business White Papers

Our Insurance Specialists have significant knowledge of business insurance, with access to a vast amount of resources. It’s not surprising they are interested in sharing some of this information with those who are interested. Please check back as we’ll be adding more thought-provoking papers here in the coming weeks.

Cyber Security White Papers
Cyber Attacks – Defending Against an Invisible Threat
Cyber-theft has become alarmingly prevalent in our society.  This white paper takes an in-depth look at cyber attacks and how to protect your employee and client data, as well as your personal data.
Cyber Security White Papers
Exposed, Targeted and Breached – The Risk of Cyber Crime
Cyber-theft has become alarmingly prevalent in our society.  This white paper takes an in-depth look at cyber attacks and how to protect your employee and client data, as well as your personal data.
Volunteer Management White Paper

Insider Secrets to Successful Volunteer Management
Volunteer management has become alarmingly prevalent in our society.  This white paper takes an in-depth look at volunteer management and how to protect your employee and client data, as well as your personal data.



Deconstructing Construction Defect Claims
Construction defects have occurred throughout history. This white paper discusses the primary categories of construction defects, how they occur, coverage options for construction defects, and risk management solutions.Download