Niki Hayes Receives Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) Designation

Williston, VT – Niki Hayes of Williston, VT recently was awarded the designation of Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA), a professional designation conferred by the American Insurance Marketing and Sales Society (the AIMS Society).
The AIMS Society is the only insurance organization dedicated solely to recognizing training and service quality among property and casualty insurance personnel. The mission of the AIMS Society is to improve the selling skills and insurance knowledge of its members by upgrading professionalism through information and education.
Niki successfully completed the three Insurance Success Seminars needed to earn the CPIA designation. The CPIA designation stands for professionalism, commitment to sales training and results, and technical knowledge. Niki has worked in the personal lines department of Kinney Pike’s Williston office (previously the Allen Agency) since 2008.
“Professional development is very important here at Kinney Pike, as it helps our agents provide better service to the insurance-buying public,” said Doug Corman, one of three Kinney Pike Insurance Principals.
About Kinney Pike Insurance:
Kinney Pike Insurance, founded in 1904, is one of the largest independent insurance agencies in Northern New England with seven Locations: Rutland, White River Junction, Williston, Randolph, Poultney, St. Johnsbury, and Swanton. Kinney Pike is a full service agency specializing in commercial insurance, personal insurance, and employee benefits. Kinney Pike holds the distinction of being Vermont’s only Assurex Global Partner, an exclusive partnership of the most prominent independent agents and brokers in the world.
For more information about Insurance Success Seminars, the CPIA designation program or membership in the AIMS Society, contact the AIMS Society national office at 877-674-CPIA (2742) or visit the website