Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
With summer over, it is important that you get your home ready for the cooler seasons ahead. Fall is an important time to make sure your home is prepared for the change in weather conditions, dried leaves and grass, and other potential hazards. Whether you are a new homeowner or a seasoned one, you should take some time to perform preventative maintenance on your home (inside & out) to protect yourself and your family in the months to come.

Inside Your Home:
- Keep the inside of your home dry: Keep water out of your home to avoid molds, mildew, and structural damage. Inspect crawlspaces, the basement, and the attic for water accumulation. If you have a drainage pump, be sure it is in working condition before you need it.
- Look for Pests: Pests love attics because they are full of nice warm insulation for nesting, and they offer easy access to the rest of the house. With gable vents that lead into the attic, it is a good idea to install a screen behind them to keep those critters out.
- Inspect windows and doors for drafts: Make sure seams are all sealed up and weather stripping is in place. Caulk inside and out, where necessary, to keep heat from escaping. Similarly, inspect windows for cracks, broken glass, or gaps and repair if needed. Once that is completed here are some other weatherization projects you can tackle.
- Clean and inspect: Clean your furnace, boiler, water heater, oven, and stove to ensure they’re working as needed.
- Check all smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors: It’s important to be sure these safety devices are working at all times. Although they may be connected to your home’s electrical system, many units have backup batteries that may need to be replaced.
- Check all fire extinguishers: It is very important that you are always be prepared in the event of a fire. There should be at least one fire extinguisher per floor with a charge and intact lock pin. Also, beware of recent fire extinguisher recalls. The manufacturer usually offers free replacements to those who have been affected.
Outside Your Home:
- Check your roof: Remove mosses and other growth from sloped areas on your roof as they will cause considerable damage and possibly leaking over time. Be sure to make any needed repairs before the weather changes!
- Rid your yard of debris: As leaves and sticks make their way onto your lawn this season, be sure to remove them as soon as possible. Dried leaves and sticks can be serious fire hazards this time of year.
- Prepare outdoor hoses and water sources: Drain water from your outside hoses, sprinkler systems, or other water sources. Frozen water in lines can cause a lot of damage that can be quite expensive to fix.
- Check your vents and ducts: Be sure that all vents to the outside of your home are unobstructed so your home can ventilate properly. If you have a chimney or wood stove, now is also a good time to have that cleaned.
- Inspect your windows: If your home has window wells, be sure to check that they are clean and not accumulating water. Also, check windows and frames for cracks to prevent higher heating bills.
- Fertilize: You should normally fertilize multiple times a year, but if you can only do it once a year, choose the fall. Fertilizing in the fall provides energy and nutrients for the grass roots as they multiply in cooler weather before the grass goes dormant. Here’s a quick rundown on different fertilizers if you are unsure of where to start.
We hope these tips have provided some helpful fall reminders for you!
Article Updated: 9.29.20